black beans: in large pot, heat olive oil, throw in one green pepper, roughly chopped. then after a few minutes, when the pepper is tender, add about 5 green onions, chopped, a couple of cloves of garlic, chopped, a can of green chilies and a couple of tea spoons of chipotle chili powder and cumin. stir a few minutes more until onions become translucent. then add one and a half 26 oz cans of black beans. mash the remaining half can of black beans with a fork in a bowl. add them after mashed. add one can of tomato paste. let simmer on stove for however long you want... 5 minutes to 2 hours, just on low. just before serving, add a couple tablespoons of white vinegar and some chopped cilantro. serve with warmed tortillas, white rice, cilantro, limes, shredded mexican cheese and sour cream. yum!!! i'll post some pictures when it's done.
also, i made sangria... well, i bought sangria from the store (i've made it before, and this huge bottle from world market was only 5.99... i can't make it that cheap!) but i put it in a pitcher with a bunch of fruit... strawberries, watermelon, limes, apples, blueberries and melon. so good!
after about an hour simmering:
finished product!:
oh yeah... sangria!!!:
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